Thursday, May 28, 2009

What is Domain Name Registration or Domain Name or Domain Registration ?

A Domain name is a specific Internet address that furnishes specific identity to the registrant of their domain name. A domain name is the name of a website located at a numerical IP address on web. With the vast amounts of information on the Internet, a domain name is easier to remember than a long string of numbers. The only characters allowed are letters, numbers and hyphens. No other punctuation marks or spaces are allowed in domain names. Domain names must have less than 63 characters. Domain names can not begin or end with a hyphen. It starts with www and ends with the domain extensions like .com, .org, .net, .info, .edu, .in,,, .ca and more.

Domain registration is the process by which a company or individual can secure a website domain name, such as Once you have completed domain registration the domain becomes yours for the period of the contract, usually one year is the time frame given by all the registrant. Before registration expires it must be renewed, or the domain reverts back to being available to the general public.

1 comment:

  1. Great information about the domain name registration Above all the points are explained very clear mind. Thanks to sharing Domain name registration india
